Who We Are

We are a diverse and democratic movement of people who share fundamental global values – dignity, freedom, justice, equality for all. We are outraged by human rights abuses and strive to create change by inspiring people across India and around the world to take action. We demand, and hold to account, governments and other decision-makers to protect and respect human rights. We have been a grass-roots organisation since 2008 – independent of government, business, religion or political groups. We work for and with individuals – to give voice, to stand alongside and to secure fundamental human rights for all. We work collaboratively and in partnership with others to achieve our shared human rights outcomes. There are six fundamental rights in India. They are Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, and Right to Constitutional Remedies. Human rights in India is an issue complicated by the country’s large size and population, widespread poverty, lack of proper education, as well as its diverse culture, despite its status as the world’s largest sovereign, secular, democratic republic. The Constitution of India provides for Fundamental rights, which include freedom of religion. Clauses also provide for freedom of speech, as well as separation of executive and judiciary and freedom of movement within the country and abroad. The country also has an independent judiciary as well as bodies to look into issues of human rights.
HUMAN RIGHTS PRAKHAR SHODH MOHIM SOCIETY (HRPSMS)is founded by Dr. Anthony Raju – Advocate , Supreme Court of India and a dynamic, dedicated , Internationally known Human Rights Defenders , Peace Activist & Social Worker and is one of India’s foremost voices of Human Rights.

Human Rights Prakhar Shodh Mohim Society (HRPSMS), is a duly registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, and is functioning with commitment to the Noble Cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for All, Economic Upliftment of the Underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship, National & International Integration by Exchange of Ideas & Ethos in India and also amongst the neighboring countries and the people of the rest of the World at large. It has several branches in India and abroad, having Thousands of dedicated volunteers. HRPSMS is a social organization for the ignored, disregarded, over-looked, victimized, oppressed, depressed, tortured people of the society and it cultivates awareness in them with regard to their rights. HRPSMS is a highly informative secured Human Rights Agency in the service of the humanity with full Legal status.

HUMAN RIGHTS PRAKHAR SHODH MOHIM SOCIETY (HRPSMS) volunteers are available at every corner of India through our network at :

International Working Committee, National Working Committee, State Working Committee, District Working Committee, Block Working Committee, Ward Working Committee, Taluka , Panchayat etc.

The works has been decided and carried forward through Various Committee viz, education, Health, Legal , etc.

(HRPSMS) is purely a non political, Secular NGO operating with the support of its dedicated members.

(HRPSMS)has the recognition today due to the efforts and association of Intellectuals, Philanthropist, Judges and other luminaries having contributed in a big way in our efforts to bring Awareness of not only Human Values but other social causes too.

The Leading Personalities are serving and committed to HRPSMS as Patrons, Ambassador & Well Wishers for the cause from the very inception from All Over The India & World ( NAMES NEED TO ADD)
(HRPSMS) collects problems, complaints and grievances of the sufferers as also anti-social, anti-governmental activities and places them in front of prevailing government administration, police and courts.

(HRPSMS) has been commemorating the International Youth Day, World Human Rights Day, World Women’s and Peace Day, World Press Freedom Day and above all, World Human Rights Day, as also organising different meetings, seminars, conventions, assemblies, conferences, cultural programmes, Youth camps, and judiciary camps.

(HRPSMS) has number of prestigious projects for future are lined up for execution. (HRPSMS) is handling HUNDREDS of Human Rights Centers all over India and has Lacks of members in the organization who are supporting the cause of Human Rights, Liberties & social Justice.

Besides making efforts in educating people of their rights, (HRPSMS)has also been encouraging and felicitating various prominent personalities who have done commendable work in the arena of Human Welfare and protection of Human Rights every year, on the occasion of World Human Rights Day, HRPSMS felicitates a number of Diplomates, Judges, social workers, Leaders and super stars of Indian film industry for their dedicated contribution towards betterment of the societies and others.

(HRPSMS) opened a Legal Cell at Delhi and throughout India. Legal Services are, provided with the help of Delhi Legal Services Authority & National Legal Services Authority which are helpful to poor, down-trodden, women, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, Handicapped, Children, Labour, Factory Workers and other weaker sections of the society.

(HRPSMS) also dedicatedly operating a leading Newspaper(HUMAN RIGHT SHODH MOHIM) and News Channel(PSM NEWS) , that raises voice against all sorts of evils and injustice boldly, simultaneously creating consciousness, awareness in the minds of the people and educating them to train their minds to be united. Through the medium of its written communication, it alerts the Government, defaces and unveils the criminals and corrupt people.

(HRPSMS) in liaison with NGOs & Government Organization seeks mutual help for a better coordination to form a welfare society For any legal advice to any social problems, GRATIS (COST-FREE) advice is rendered by (HRPSMS) to the needy.

(HRPSMS) faces and defends of its own the cases in the Courts.

(HRPSMS) is endeavoring to open Residential Secular Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Old-Age-Homes in all parts of the Country to enhance the Government’s initiative in these sectors.

We have a lofty vision of networking with the nations in the world who solemnly agree with us to promote human values in the globe. We are contemplating to create an innovative and integrated learning network, campus learning and community management network. Our focus is to empower the campus and help reach out to the world to consolidate and deliver knowledge with respect to human rights issues that haunt the world today and to bring about peace, harmony and amity amongst us.

Human Rights Prakhar Shodh Mohim Society is a leading social organization, working for the protection of Human rights, liberties and social justice for all people at National & International Level., is pleased to extend an invitation to Every Individual to become a member of our organization. Every Individual outstanding leadership skills and position in the professional community would be an asset to both our society and the country. We are strongly connected nationally and internationally with a membership of people all around the India and Abroad including High profile lawyers ( Supreme Court , High Court , Lower Court , Doctors, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Professionals, Journalists, RWA, bureaucrats , Retired from various Govt offices. Etc

We firmly believe in Dignity, freedom, and justice. ‘ and with this belief, we humbly invite Every Individual to join hands with us to become pioneers of change. However little your contribution will help us go a long way in raising issues and bringing justice to our countrymen. There cannot be a more satisfactory feeling than the one you get by doing philanthropic work. However meager your contribution could be towards enriching someone’s life, the satisfaction, emotional or social one derives out of these acts of generosity, is simply unexplainable.

Human Rights Prakhar Shodh Mohim Society is very well connected with a strong network individual.

Working Feild

1) In the field of Human Resource Development

To establish, develop, maintain schools, colleges, libraries, universities, laboratories, skill development centers, competition, preparation centers, yoga and spiritual centers, sports training centers, vocational training centres, research and other institutions for the development and advancement of education and diffusion of knowledge among the public in general.
To establish, maintain and run studentship, scholarship and award programme and render other kind of aid to students including supply of study materials, books, stipend, medals and other incentives.
To organize programme for the promotions of pre-primary education, non-formal education, computer and information technologies, leadership development techno-entrepreneurship development educational, infrastructure research and development, socio-scientific research, management.
Publish study-materials, magazine, books, information materials, journals, produce film, T.V. serials, documentaries, audio-video cassettes on burning social, educational and scientific issues.

2) In the field of Health & Family welfare

To undertake, establish, assist, organize or conduct the programme of research, management and infrastructure development in the field of health and family welfare.
To establish, organize, run or maintain Hospital, Nursing Home, Care and Care Centres, Medical education and research centre in State-of-the art.
To undertake, organize, establish or run the medical education center, college and research cetnre.
To undertake awareness, prevention, surveillance, screening, management health systems and research programmes on Maternal and Child survival, communicable diseases like Malaria, Hepatitis, Leprosy, Meningitis, HIV/AIDS, STD, T.B., Dengue, Non-communicable diseases like Cancer, Heart Diseases, Respiratory Diseases, Diabetes, Mellitus, Injuries etc. Health Insurance, Population control etc.
To establish and run Drug De-addiction center and undertake rehabilitation programme for drug-abuse. Also organize awareness programme for the control of drug-menace and abuse.

3) In the field of Agriculture and Allied Industries Development

To conduct and undertake the research of technologies advancement, productivity enhancement, cost effectiveness technologies and methodologies in the field of agriculture, allied industries, cottage industries, veterinary and co-operatives.
To conduct awareness and exposition programme of appropriate and low cost technologies agriculture.
Conduct the programmes to ensure nutrition security, safe food processing and standardization.
To conduct intensive research in the field of fisheries, aquaculture, poultry, dairying, investock, sheep and goat, horticulture, floriculture, aromatic and medicinal plants, fruits, hybrid vegetables, mushroom etc. and land the benefit of research.
To carryout study, research and development activities for water management, irrigation, fertilizer, farm mechanism, bio-technology, integrated pest management method.
To make the market-mechanism most favourable to the farmers. To develop the infrastructure for the easy and safe delivery of agro-products. Also establish and run financial Institution for the benefit of agriculture and allied industries-related people.
To form and patronize self help group (S.H.G.) for the promotion of micro-credit and optimum financial benefit to the rural people.

4) In the field of Environment & Forest

To undertake all programmes for ensuring social accountability in conservation, preservation and control to the environment, forest, wild life.
To undertake awakening and intervention programmes for enforcement of environmental law, Access to environmental information, town and country planning, integrated pollution control, atmospheric pollution, waste management, water pollution, sound pollution, exeretadisposal sedimentation and coagulation, treatment and disposal of sewage and silage, bio-gas, water treatment methods and other nature conservation programmes.
To organize and run special sanitation and environment protection programmes for Hospital, Fair, Melas, places of Pilgrimage, Railway Stations, Bus stands, Canteens, Hotels, Industrial ergonomics.

5) In the field of Rural Development

To promote education, training and research programmes in Rural Management and generate a Human Resource Force to settle the needs of people in rural areas.
To organize, conduct, sponsor, the intensive programme on Rural housing, Rural finance, Marketing mechanism infrastructure development, Cottage and small scale industries development, co-operative and cooperation, Integrated wasteland Development, Technology Development Extension and training programme, Investment Promotion Schemes for the promotion of rural infrastructure, watershed and water management and unutilized resource development programme, welfare and strengthening programme for marginal and underprivileged farmers, promotion of cost effective technologies, rural sanitation including low-cost latrines.
To work, associate and/or act as implementing agency in Swarn Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana, Samagra Awas Yojana and other developmental programme run by Government/ agencies.

6) In the field of Urban Development

To undertake, assist manage, organize the all programmes of urban development particularly public health engineering, slum community rehabilitation and development, civic amenities and public services, town planning, master plan preparation and implementation, water and hydrometric studies, research and management, sewerage and waste management.
To establish and art of state center for education, training, and research in Urban Planning and development.

7) In the field of Social Justice & Empowerment

To carryout all the programmes for the relief, rehabilitation, welfare and development of women in destitute, old-aged, handicapped, street children and child labour, widow, orphan, beggar, sex-worker, schedule caste, schedule tribes, backward and other under privileged people.
To undertake and run the integrated programme on street children rehabilitation, juvenile justice, adoption resource, agency, social defence, civil defence, old age home/ multi service center, center of legal awareness, aids and rights, treatment and rehabilitation of addicts, persons with disabilities, coaching and allied assistance, construction of hostel building and other infrastructure for complete rehabilitation centre, vocational training centers, women empowerment, animal welfare, stop prostitution, eradication of poverty.

8) In the field of Youth Affairs and Sports

To carry out all the programmes/ projects for the awakening of national integration, communal harmony, co-operation and co-operative behaviour attitude development, moral and social habit development in the youth and to ensure participation in the development of nation and humanity.
To organize and install infrastructure for the promotion of sports, yoga, meditation among youths.

9. In the field of Science & Technologies and Communication & Information Technology

To carryout all the programmes science and Technology and communication Information Technology for popularization, use and inculcation of scientific temper among the people. also ensure the use of technologies in the field of rural development, appropriate technology, rural technologies, environment and ecology, non-conventional energy, formal education, computer education etc.
To organize the programme and set-up infrastructure, for the creation of techno-entrepreneurship through structured training programmes and other facilitating mechanisms.
To promote research development and adaptation of science and technology for improving quality of life of traditional artisans, landless labour and weaker section.

10) In the field of Science & In the field of Human Rights

Promotion of Human Rights literacy & awareness in the educational system more widely in society.
Human Rights training for the armed forces & police, public authorities civil society, & students.
Research through well known academic institutions & NGO’s on various issues relating to Human Rights. Publication of annual report, monthly newsletter, annual journal, & research studies. Consultation with NGO’s & experts/specialists on Human Rights Issues.

11) In the field of other programmers

To undertake, organize, investigate, participate, sponsor, conduct, the Human Right Programme including awakening of human rights, preservation of fundamental rights, Protection and safeguards to the victims of human rights violations, for the freedom, dignity and peace of people. also undertake case study, research, publications, treaties, with national and international institutions and foundation or endowment of award and prize, for effective implementation of Human Rights.
To undertake, organize, investigate and formation of Human Rights concepts accordingly announcement Human Rights Assembly 10th December 1948, of 217 (a).
To encourage, promote or develop alternative system of medicine i.e. Homeopathy, Polypathy, Ayurveda, Yunani, Yoga, naturopathy, meditation, acupressure, acupuncture etc. Also promote preventive and curative health services.
To organize or conduct all of the programmes of natural disaster management and ensure relief, rehabilitation of victims and set-up precautionary/ pre-information mechanism of natural disaster.
To organize or run the programmes for the development of culture, tourism, and national memorials, natural resources management, aforestation and eco-development, environment education, environmental information system, technology upgradation/ establishment/ modernization of food processing industries, quality assurance, market survey, test marketing and brand promotion, gender issues, promotion of blood, eye and human limbs donation, promotion of Indian languages, prevention of atrocities on women, unversalisation of elementary education, rural energy programme, bio-gas development programme, khadi and small scale industries promotion, administering, road safety programmes, social assistance programme, promotion of rural non-farm enterprises, rural and micro-financing.
To organize or conduct the programmes or International peace, justice and cooperation, interchanges and interaction, legal aid and protection, awareness and consciousness building against social evils, social crime, terrorism stop programme, suicide prevention, prisoner education and welfare, community-based rehabilitation programme, fighting corruption and restructuring, labour issues, value added and sustainable programmes, consumer education and protection etc.
To organize, formation and investigate legal rights center, camp and workshop.
To organize workshop on human rights and environment.
To undertake, develop, manage, arrange or organize antique show, art show, audio and video show, fashion show, magic show, thematic puppet show, charity premier show, lottery, car rally, dance events, fancy dress competition, fete greeting card and handicraft exhibition film shows foundation or endowment of award and prizes.
And to participate in all emerging issues, whenever occurs on the national and/or international arena and to do all such other lawful acts deeds and things as incidental and conducive to the attainment of the objects or any one of them.
To acquire, hold, transfer, mortgage, lease out and dispose of and otherwise deal with property of the society in any manner whatsoever and get loan for the fulfillment of objective of the society.
To undertake, carryout, promote, sponsor, discharge, fulfill, participate, collaborate, manage or organize the programmes with people’s co-operation, national and international Government and Non Government agencies and to carryout all necessary acts for the achievement of the objectives.
All the incomes, earnings, movable/ immovable properties of the Society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its Aims and Objects only as set forth in the deed of the Society and no profit thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or the past member of the Society or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or the past members. No members of the Society shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the Society or make any profits, whatsoever, by virtue of his membership.
To accept loan, Grant-in-aid, donation (either in cash or kind), subsidy or other assistance lawfully, either from National and / or International agencies for the attainment of the objective of the society.
To undertake, organize, investigate, participate, sponsor, the human right Programmes including awakening of human rights, preservation of fundamental rights, protection and safeguards to the victims of human rights violations, for the freedom, dignity and peace of the people. Also, undertake study, research, publications, treaties with National and International Institutions and award programmes, for the effective implementation of Human Rights.
To set motion and play a proactive role in giving direction for a quiet social movement/ revolution for socio-economical, educational, cultural, scientific, technical, financial, ethical prosperity and take spearheaded initiative to spread the gain or prosperity in the benefit of throughout masses of world of living creature.